Now what he is saying is actually common sense and it is that we should take the burden of health care off employers and go with a single payer.
He makes some good points, which have been made by others, but maybe they will get getter traction coming from him.
Unfortunately health care and other issues have become so politicized because well that's what we do now.
Republicans think Democrats are evil and vice versa, even though all the evidence shows we share almost all the same values with each other.
However both parties have allowed the debate to be controlled by the fringe elements who are more motivated and who show up to vote in primaries.
Once someone is nominated in a safe district he will get elected and because he was probably a bit fanatical from the start is unlikely to be a compromiser in Washington.
Now there may be some issues that have "bright" lines but the vast majority of issues such as health care, immigration reform, our tax system or how we spend our tax dollars are things that should be negotiated to ensure we end up with something fair.
Of course it is now news that a bi-partisan solution is even being considered by the Senate to pass health care.
Shameful really.
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