Thursday, June 15, 2017

Guns with a Chance of Anger

America is a big country with plenty of guns and not that many restrictions on who can buy them.

Ratchet up the political talk to a fever pitch and you get angry people who may honestly believe that American values are in danger.

We had an incident where a shooter tried to kill members of congress while they were practicing for a bipartisan game.

Now violence is not a good response to an election loss, especially random acts like this.

The issue then becomes do we have too much anger or too many guns/

I know that an isolated incident isn't likely to change much in how we handle guns in this country and I'm not even sure what we should do.  The shooter yesterday would most likely have passed every background test.

It is clearly time for the rhetoric to become more controlled, however in the current age of media extremism, I don't see that being likely.

We may have to see more of the same.

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