Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Public Relations

In a world where some deliberately lie and publish lies, an honest mistake is problematic.

We all know mistakes happen and we use to accept that fact and accept honest apologies as the end of the matter.

However, if you are potentially at fault and a host of stories point out your real issues, one honest mistaken story becomes a god send.

You use the one to try to discredit all the actual reporting.

Its merely showmanship and its designed to sway the home crowd and maybe put some doubt in the undecided.

Now we live in a world where everything is framed as adversarial, at least more so than ever before.

Instead of laying out your case, its easier to try to discredit your nemesis.

no one is perfect and pointing our errors and fallacies can be effective, even if in the long or short run they have no impact on the issue.

Its something we have all learned to live with and its a sad development.

So grab some mud and start slinging, you'll get used to it.

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