Sunday, June 4, 2017

London Bridge

In what appears to be another act of terrorism, six people lost their lives as a Van was crashed into a crowd on the bridge.

The attackers were all killed and the people who died were simply out to have a good time on a Saturday night.

This was a very low tech affair with a van and knives which are hard to control in any country.

I don't know if there is any particular reason that Great Britain seems to be the target recently, might just be a coincidence.

I know they are strong supporters of the war against terrorism.

I know that they have withstood much greater threats and that this isn't going to weaken their resolve.

We need to give them our complete support and show them we are good friends.

It is not a political issue it is a national security issue for us and for them.

It also isn't a religious issue, it started over territory, not religion.

Stand strong with our English friends but don't become the people we fight.

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