Monday, June 26, 2017

The Big Con

When economic forces cause a change in the way we produce things it is disruptive, people re forced to adjust and s new age begins.

We see this in the bible story about Cain and Abel where the farmer was replacing the shepherd.

We had the Agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, the transportation revolution and now we have the technology revolution.

The impact of cheap transportation allowed products to be made where it is most economical as the cost of shipping and the speed of shipping has decreased enough.

It actually started with sailing ships and railroads but we now have container ships and air freight as well as trucking and railroads.

Now we see technology and robots making jobs disappear and hitting the same areas.

If income in an area drops and the local mall has lost business due to on-line shopping the malls and stores will move to more populated areas creating a death spiral of sorts.

Its an unfortunate result of progress, but it happens over and over again.

Now people don't like to hear they are being ground up by the wheels of progress so they want to blame somebody.

Well blames trade deals, blame immigrants, blame the liberals, blame Mexico or China, or Europe, in fact blame everybody.

Its a big con.

The economic forces at work will continue and the players may change but like the melting glaciers, its not personal.

Its simply business.

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