Sunday, June 11, 2017

Muscle Memory

We all mostly live life of routines, revolving around a thing like school or work or oftentimes both.

We get up, get ourselves and maybe others ready, go to the one or the other.  The whole thing becomes almost automatic and disruptions are keenly felt.

Of course things change and we have to adjust to a new routine seemingly forgetting the old one completely.

But every so often you end up back in the old circumstance after a period of time and almost immediately it seems like you never were gone.

We adjust our actions and responses to a set of stimuli that ultimately get locked into muscle memory, remember the brain is a muscle.

When the stimuli get recreated the old responses are pretty much as automatic as they ever were.

Its proverbial how once you've learned how to ride a bike, the knowledge never leaves you.  (of course sometimes there are physical impairments.)

It always amazes me how automatic the whole thing is.  You think it's going to be strange and challenging but it turns out to be familiar and easy.

I imagine there must be something in our evolutionary background that ingrained this ability as a survival mechanism and I believe the same sort of behavior can be observed in dogs and cats, and probably other animals not so easily observed.

We need to have normal routine to survive although obviously some seek out the extreme and dangerous.

Of course they sometimes don't survive.


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