Sunday, June 18, 2017

No Excuse

Oddly, even thought the election is over you still see a lot of attacks on Hillary Clinton.

Now there is no real reason for this except for one, the winner of the election is so bad, people need to pretend she would have been even worse.

Well its not going to work and in fact seems a bit pathetic.

It doesn't actually make a bit of difference at this point and I would argue its time to stop slandering a women who has demonstrably spent her life in public service.

Now considering the administration we have, well the joke's on us.

The fundamental problem is that we are governed by someone who seems to have the ethics of a New York construction man, the morals of a celebrity and the intelligence of a toddler.

He admires the dictator in North Korea and Russia but dislikes the Cuban dictator because he has some supporters who feel that way.

He believes a lot of the policies of the last half century are driven by some liberal conspiracy.

The purpose of that conspiracy isn't clear, but they have made up environmental concerns, engaged in globalization and automated manufacturing in pursuit of some unclear goal.

The sad thing is that he found enough issues that led people to vote for him despite the fact that they knew he was inept.

Anti-abortionists voted for him despite misgivings.

Gun advocates voted for him despite misgivings.

Bigots and Nazis had no misgivings.

And most sadly, many people who got left behind by the new economy voted for him even though they had to know it was really their own fault.

But the worst are the Republicans who held their noses and voted for him because he was on the Republican ticket.

Keep holding.

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