Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Fake News?

Even though it might appear that we have more access to information the fact is the increased amount has led to almost as much bad information as good information.

All this bad information looks and often feels just like the valid information available.

The primary providers of this data have not taken significant efforts to restrict it for a number of reasons, one being that it would in fact be hard and confrontational.

In the days when mainstream media provided facts you could rest assured that they had a process designed to filter our bullshit.

Was it always successful?  Of course not, but they did put a lot of effort into it and you could use what they provided with a certain degree of confidence.

However now often total bullshit is intertwined with real facts to such a degree that the average person has no way of telling.

For example, if you goggle Sandy Hook the third choice on the list is the Sandy Hook Conspiracies which then leads to pros and cons about whether the event was staged.

Now I am certain beyond any reasonable doubt that this tragedy took place, the news coverage the tragedy were all too horrid.

So why is there any question about it?  Well because we have people in this country who either for a political or social reason like to question these things.

Similarly, the vaccination debate is based on total bullshit that was debunked long ago about a mysterious link to autism.  Yet once again the "controversy" lives on because of the internet.

We all have a responsibility to know we are dealing with real issues and not argue over silly theories that are simply contrived.

So the earth is round, we did land on the moon, vaccinations do not cause autism, the tragedy at Sandy Hook was all too real, and so on.

focus on what's real people.

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