Sunday, June 25, 2017

Religious Respect

It seems that respect for other religions has been a cornerstone of American society since the colonies.

A number of the colonies were in fact founded to allow its settlers to practice their religion freely.

Of course, mostly it was a Christian religion but the concept was clear.

As the nation grew we maintained that principle and incorporated it into our constitution.

Now Islam is a religion and the number of practitioners has been growing over the years.

We are nearing the end of their holy month of Ramadan and traditionally the White House has recognized the holiday, usually with a traditional dinner.

Now however you feel about other people's religions or religious beliefs, we should give them the same respect we expect.

When a sizable part of the population shares a common religion, even if it is just a minority group, we normally expect the Government to recognize it.

Apparently not anymore as the end of Ramadan has not been acknowledge, at least so far.

American who practice Islam are still citizens and neighbors and to act like they are not is itself in-American.

Its pretty sad really.

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