Wednesday, June 21, 2017


There is a large sense of resentment in this country about how things are unfair.

Of course the most unfair thing relates to the haves vs the have nots, but that isn't high on the resentment list.

People resent immigrants and poor people for getting things that working people don't.

The resentment is because they haven't earned it.

Now some of this is based on lies and some based on actual programs.

However, being an immigrant or being poor in this country isn't as nice as seem to think.

Of course getting up every morning to a job you don't like so you can pay bills isn't pleasant either.

There is a dialog in this country concerning the non-deserving poor. It implies that they would rather be unemployed and milking the Government rather than getting a job.

Now that is true to some extent, the degree is the question.

Do they stay home, do drugs, have babies and reap the windfall that the government provides?  Maybe some, but the bigger question is what should we do about it.

People are smart and can figure out how to qualify for government programs even when we install safeguards. By and large however those people aren't immigrants. 

The resentment builds when some people unfamiliar with the ins and outs of those programs have trouble when they run into financial difficulties.

Its a building force in our political environment and it needs to be addressed.

Right now it is being used as a weapon, which is no solution at all.

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