Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Not Everyone is Evil

Sometime it seems with all the rhetoric that people think everybody who isn't with them is out to get them.

Now there are people who disagree with you politically and other people who want to steal from you but the vast majority of people are not out to get you.

In fact despite the rhetoric most Americans share most of the same values.

But we live in age with a rabid media that talks about the other side like they are in fact demons from hell conspiring to bring down the country.

The difference in how we provide health care is only life threatening to the few who might be cut off.

To most of us its simply a debate.

Of course the environment does have serious consequences and it should be discussed seriously but I'm not aware of anyone who wants to put cities underwater or induce cancer in people via contaminants.  Just need to go over the issue calmly and agree on what to do.

I really do think the media has created a win lose attitude in much of the country as opposed to a lets compromise one.

If the only thing good enough is total victory, you are probably going to be disappointed.

It happens, get over it, don't resort to violence.

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