Saturday, June 3, 2017

Another Saturday

This outrage over Kathy Griffins bad piece of performance art is way over the line, it was still an example of free speech even if you didn't like it.

The same people who screamed about political correctness are now screaming the loudest for it, can you spell hypocrite?

Job creation is running a little slower than under the last few months of Obama's term but Trump is claiming he did something great?

Its always amazing when you see the president say things that are clearly false and easily demonstrated to be so.  He has a terrible staff plus he's very gullible.

BTW for AMERICA TO BE GREAT we need clean air and water.

He still believes that he's not an international joke. 

Some of his supporters can only argue that the alternative would have been worse as they cling to their fake news about things that never happened like sex rings and assassinations.

You know about the e-mail, they do realize that no one ever said she was sending e-mails to inappropriate people, only that she was using a private server.

I find people who lie and distort the truth on TV more reprehensible than an artist who does a bad piece of art.

The current administration is determined to make the Affordable Care Act fail, and it might succeed.  What the public will get will be the same old crap we already had. 

That system punished people for getting sick.  Guess Republicans consider that a moral flaw.

There are so many bigots in the Republican party that they hate each other.

At least they deserve each other.

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