Friday, June 9, 2017

No Hero

The one thing that is clear is that we have  president who has almost no interest in what is good for the country.

If the previous administration was for it, he is against it.

If his staff is accused of colluding with the Russians he counterattacks, doesn't seek the truth.

I'm not going to declare Comey a hero, his behavior in both the Clinton e-mail investigation and this Russian investigation reveals a man who is morally bankrupt and afraid to say the obvious.

The president asks him for loyalty, not that he do his job and he decides to write a memo capturing the instant instead of resigning and forcing his hand. 

In some of the back and forth yesterday when the panel tried to steer the conversation to the long irrelevant e-mail probe, he did at one point say what he should have stated clearly a long time ago, there was no case there.  It was clearly never a crime since under no circumstances has anyone ever argued that the intent was to send classified information illegally.

We had an investigation that was fired up by politics about a non-issue.  He played along and grabbed his time in the spotlight.

He may have had differences of opinion about Loretta Lynch but her behavior has not been compromised and Comey's has.

The FBI director should be above politics and not be inserting himself into a campaign with an announcement that he had to know at the time was going to have an impact.

Of course, he got Trump, and he got fired.

However, we also got Trump and we can't fire him as easily.

Someone should at least tell him the campaign is over.

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