Saturday, May 13, 2017

Saturday among the Bushes

I guess we can rename hide and seek to among and seek now to stay up with the recent White House speak.

People roll their eyes at you because you are talking nonsense.  I believe you actually know you are and want to practice deflection by raising sexism.

Millions of people don't vote illegally in this country, millions are legally prevented from voting by republican bigots.

What is wrong with being considerate in how you talk and act?  I don't consider that political correctness, I consider it common courtesy.

Free trade increases global efficiency and results in lower prices for everyone.  If you work for an inefficient enterprise, its not the best thing for you.

You can't really have a debate with someone who simply isn't willing to use actual facts. 

Things like climate change are not in question.  Some aspects of the theory are still debatable, but not the fundamental fact of it.

The most scary thing is that it is possible that humanity is out of control.  Nature has a way of correcting that sort of thing, and it's usually not pretty.

One of the things coming out in many studies is that a lot of Americans think their children will do worse than they did.  Maybe, but isn't it the parents job to prepare their children to live good lives?

So many people who complain about food stamps are receiving much bigger government subsidies which they fell they deserve for some reason.  Price supports for agriculture or small business incentives are paid for by us taxpayers too.

Charitable tax deductions allow people to support causes many of us don't like at our expense.  If you want to support discriminatory causes do it on your own dime.

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