Friday, August 25, 2017

A Better America

The idea that America has been in some sort of decline is simply not true.  America has been changing and to some extent our post World War 2 privileged status is long since gone, but at no point has America been stronger or in fact more prosperous on the whole.

One thing has happened is that the growth in wealth has been uneven.

This has fueled a certain amount of anger among those who used to have a better share of the wealth, in general non college educated men.

They held a lot of good paying jobs in manufacturing particularly which actually required little more than showing up and doing fairly simple tasks.

Robots are cheaper, don't need benefits and don't show up or stay home because they got drunk.

Now the robots improve the bottom line and that wealth goes to the owners and executives.

So for that group of Americans things look worse, but the only solution is for them to get new skills that are needed, and since it wouldn't be in the same numbers as when unskilled workers were on an assembly line, most of them aren't going to do it.

Even worse, they've been led to believe that the people responsible for their problems aren't the factory owners and executives (although in fairness it is just business) but trade deals, immigrants, the Government, liberals and environmentalists.

So they don't like those people, although clearly none of them were actually responsible to any great extent, it was technology.

Now we aren't going to reverse technology, if we did our companies would be non-competitive but we can improve life for Americans in ways that keep making America better.

These are the progressive goals, a cleaner environment, health care for all, education for all, combat climate change, treat ALL people fairly, and allow individual freedom as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else's freedom.

What job you qualify for or can hold is up to you but whatever it is, you should have air to breathe.

Lets make America better and better.

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