Friday, August 11, 2017

The Looneys

First, its pretty obvious that the North Korean dictator is only interested in his personal survival and safety and as long as that is not in real jeopardy he isn't going to back down.

He's also been generally shown to make more threats than he can deliver and has in fact delivered none outside his own country except of course for the tests which haven't been aimed at anyone per se.

Now letting someone like this have nuclear weapons is a pretty scary thought but unfortunately he already seems to have some.

Now clearly we could blow North Korea back to the stone age, they are pretty close already, but of course that would result in some sort of desperation attack against someone, South Korea, Japan or Guam (Guam would actually do the least actual damage) and the environmental consequences would be something we would all have to live with.  Of course if restricted to conventional forces, somehow, it would be costly in lives and equipment but at least not nuclear.

Now our guy isn't much better.  He also has resorted to threats and the whole thing sort of looks like two schoolboys arguing over whose father could beat the other ones up.

We have a lot more nuclear options but nuking North Korea would be damaging to everything the United States used to stand for.

I'm not sure we stand as a beacon of democracy and freedom anymore, and that's sad.  It was easy to be proud to be an American even if you didn't agree with everything we did.  Now we seem to be suppressing voters, expelling innocent people, trying to strip people of health care and colluding with foreign powers for personal gain.

And that just a small part of the new America.

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