Saturday, August 26, 2017

Simple Thoughts

I'd like those fine people who like to march with Nazi emblems to explain that.

One of the things that seems fair is to say there are two sides to something.  Well when one side is based on hate and bigotry, it is there but its not equal.

I will say that when I think back on my experience with conservatives over my lifetime we have gone from people like the Buckley brothers who knew how to read and talk intelligently to people like Steve Banon who, well he made some money.

The President is at war with the leaders of the Republican party and of course all Democrats.  For those in favor of less Government you might get it.

Of course Democrats are fighting among themselves a bit with more discussion about strategies for the next election than actual policies.

The way to win is to spell out a better path forward.

The way to win is to represent the best of America, not the worst.

The way to win is to ensure freedom for all Americans to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

These are our founding principles and they are still valid.

If you ignore the current President, as ridiculous as he is, it will drive him crazy.

Promote a better future with clear and logical policies.

Those who are mired in hate or bigotry aren't going to come along and we don't want them.

Getting into the gutter with the current president brings you down to his level.

Stand up, be proud, be clear.

Trust the light to banish the dark.

Its how you act that matters in the end.

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