Thursday, August 10, 2017

Inefficient Fixes

I continue to maintain that most Americans actually agree on most things.  There are vocal minorities that end up having an undue influence on our system because of the party and primary systems we have.

The solution would be to increase participation in both the primaries and the general election so that the actual will of the people was reflected.

If you feel that these anemic turnouts do somehow reflect the actual will of the people, having more people vote is just going to confirm that.

Of course, the general trend has been to suppress certain voters because they might not support certain policies.  As long as they are citizens, they should be heard.

I think we need to have a much simpler system where people can actually vote conveniently.  On-line voting is a good contender as well as mailed in ballots.  Citizen verification can be via individual codes provided to registered citizens.

The people who think there is voter fraud should be happy with a system where each verified citizen gets one vote.  It would reduce any of that mostly non-existent fraud.

Democracy means rule by the people (the demos) and if you believe in it you need to well, believe in it.

What we have now is not really a democracy.  Not sure what it is, but if people aren't voting or having their voice heard, its not a democracy.

There are other changes that would help the process, say a simpler way to set up districts after a census.  However getting more people to vote would at least reveal the true will of the people.

Whatever it might be.

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