Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Undocumented Immigrants

I to acknowledge that biased media has managed to create issues out of basically nothing and now have them considered major issues.

The one that is probably the most unimportant is illegal immigration.

Now there are and have always been a fair number of people coming into this country especially in recent years from Mexico,  They came to do various types of work and some were here seasonally and some stayed.

Many of those who stayed had families, raised children and effectively became a normal American, although technically not in the country legally.

Now they were generally no better or no worse than the other people around them so some had problems with the law and their children had their own issues.

Of course a lot of this was dependent on where they lived and how much money they made, like everyone else in America, and being Latino probably offered other possible issues but overall it was simply people living in America doing what they could and sometime being bad.

Of course there were always some people who objected to this, but then the media and Fox news in particular changed the discourse.

I don't watch Fox news because outside of the entertainment value what they put out is highly biased and generally inaccurate.  I feel similarly about MSNBC but it doesn't seem nearly as bad.  However Fox took what used to be a staple of some late night radio shows and turned it into a TV station, righteous outrage.

Of course the stuff they were outraged about was often not real, like a story about some school not displaying the American flag became a nationwide attack on the constitution.  However, the emphasis on entertainment got an audience and then the audience got fed lies.

It worked.  We have a lot of misinformation in this country about issues.

So the undocumented immigrants became a major issue on Fox because they wanted to make us all speak Spanish, they didn't have papers and they stole jobs from Americans and introduce drugs and crime to our innocent native born people.

None of that has any validity but our President believes it as do millions of people who have effectively no real contact with an illegal immigrant, except maybe the ones that do some work for them.

Now, they are a fairly large group of people so they have their good, bad and ugly members but like most first generation immigrants they tend to act more industriously then their neighbors.

This demonization is really just the stuff of fiction, with minor anecdotes blown out of proportion by the real fake media.

The real issue is how easily it turns out many of us can be manipulated by what is essentially propaganda.

Pretty sad really.

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