Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Can You Racist Now/

Freedom of speech is a sacred right in this country and it doesn't really matter what beliefs you want to express.

Most people have self censored themselves over the years, not spewing some of the hateful things they actually believe.  This has been attributed to political correctness but more aptly to a sense of social correctness.

If you were at a function and publicly expressed your racist attitudes it was likely that many of the people there would publicly condemn you, even some who might actually share your beliefs.

Now with a president who is encouraging racism and hate we are seeing more public displays of this racism, which some have tried to argue has disappeared in America and turned into reverse racism.

Of course the idea of reverse racism is simply not demonstrable by any statistical method but people have decided that finding a few anecdotal example is enough to prove it exists.

With a racist president and racist Attorney General we are likely to attack affirmative action efforts in institutions.

After all we don't want any rich privileged children to be discriminated against.

The good news is that the actual racists are becoming easier to spot.  I don't want to call someone a racist if they aren't, so this self declaring stuff is helpful.

The question of course is how many secret racists are there?

It might be more than you would think, at least to some degree.

When you find yourself thinking that a group of people are at all inferior because of the circumstances of their birth, you qualify.

Stand up and identify yourself!

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