Saturday, August 5, 2017

Successful Policies

The Trump administration seems to have stumbled upon a number of areas where they are showing some signs of success and are publicizing it as much as possible to offset the other negatives.

Now one of these involves illegal immigration and whether what is happening is successful or not is a matter of perspective.  By expanding deportations to productive family members and creating a sense of potential trouble we are managing to send more undocumented people back to their countries of origin and have either reduced or forced new tactics on illegals entering.

This was done without a great beautiful wall, which is unlikely to ever be built in the way discussed and since the number of illegals entering the country is calculated off of how many we catch trying, that reduction could be real or a change in entering tactics.  I admit I don't know and this sells well to his supporters so its his main success so far.

The other things he touts are the continuing growth in jobs and the success against ISIS, both of which are real (although he attacked the Government numbers he now brags about during the campaign).

This is the 82nd month in a row of job growth and the jobs being created are the same ones as in the other 81 months basically.  This successful policy comes out to the prior administration and by not changing very much we continue to have success.  Its not coal mining or assembly line manufacturing, its health and service jobs and his base is in the same exact situation as before, but creating jobs is good for the country and the only question is if he can screw it up.

The next area relates to our success against ISIS and once again the tide turned there during the previous administration.  He is saying that since he became President the amount of territory under ISIS control has shrunk more than under his predecessor and this is true since once a population center falls they abandon large chunks of desert as they retreat to the next population center.

However ISIS continues to collapse and that's a good thing, it just was already collapsing and what is new is how much Russian influence will remain in Syria and the region after its over.

Quite a bit it seems.

So the secret of success is to do as little as possible and tweet about your wonderful successes while golfing in various parts of the country.

I can live with that.

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