Saturday, August 12, 2017

Foreign Affairs?

Well no nuclear explosions overnight, count your blessings.

This is a situation most guy and some gals have had to face growing up, someone has called you out and you can fight, and possibly get hurt badly, or chicken out and be branded.

I always fought and I survived.  I used to get a lot of practice fighting my brother so it seemed pretty normal to me.

I understand the problem other boys had and I also knew that the best way to win a fight was to hurt your opponent painfully.

Now why talk about schoolyard or playground fighting, because that's what our international situation has become.

The difference is that based on the size of our military, we are almost definitely the bully.  Now that doesn't mean the other kid didn't call us name or otherwise instigate us.

However, when you are so much bigger than the other guy, beating him up isn't going to garner much respect.  Of course you might give him a quick punch in the arm to shut him up and hope he gets the lesson.

If you know he will react to that by flailing about wildly forcing you to take him down you may need to consider that.

Its a tricky situation that generally requires some tact.

Something currently in short supply.

Now we are threatening Venezuela. Just because the news covers something, it doesn't mean its our problem.  There are many, many countries in the world run badly and you can't send troops into all of them.

I seem to remember someone making that very point not too long ago.

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