Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Our Inefficient System

When I start to write these blogs I usually start with one idea but while writing end up with something else.  It is part of the theme that I use these to figure out what's going on in the world around me.

The logic of our current situation is difficult to say the least.  The politicians seem to have become totally focused on preserving their jobs with no consideration as to why they are there in the first place.

Even worse, after an election the first year is the only time that major legislation really has a chance, especially if it is controversial as by the second year they are already in campaign mode, if they ever left it.

It seems like they have very little time to do anything important and very few incentives to take a risk.

Assuming that the people in the congress are at least of average intelligence and education I find it hard to believe that we don't have a great majority who are concerned about the same things the public is.

Take issues like health care, the environment, our security and crime issues, I imagine that in private thy all mostly agree about the issues and maybe even the solutions.

However, the parties end up being responsive to relatively small groups that have undo influence in funding and primary voting leading to absurd positions concerning scientific reality, as well as the world in general.

To a large extent the two party system is at fault since the nominees are the only ones normally with a chance at getting elected and to be a nominee you have to jump through the right hoops.

We need to demand a change, but what should that be?  I'll address this further in future blogs.

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