Tuesday, August 1, 2017


I read and get emails about how the "Government" or someone is telling us lies to control our lives.

Now, I honestly cant prove that this isn't true, I just don't know why they would.

Take one popular theory, they know about extra-terrestrials but are afraid to panic the public.

Really?  First if they are preventing dangerous aliens from destroying the planet, kudos, but what would be the point after all these years of keeping it a secret?  Also, with the way things leak how could they?

I gather some people believe that we are allowing mass numbers of immigrants (different aliens) into the country and getting them to vote.  Once again, why?

Some Americans believe that other Americans are trying to destroy the America they love.  Really?

The odd thing is that to my knowledge this sort of started as a big communist plot to undermine America.  Of course what is ironic is that many of the people who believe in these conspiracies don't believe the real news that Russia tried to hack our election.

Its really no longer about communism, it now only about conspiracy.  They are taking away our guns, we will have to practice Sharia Law, they don't want to fly the flag, they don't want to say under God anymore Global Warming is a hoax and so on.

Many of the people who buy into this do so because its repeated on both TV and Radio and of course its all over the Internet.

Its pretty ironic that they have so much faith in big establishments that they think someone is doing this.  My experience is that the odds of anybody being able to do any of these things in secret is very unlikely, even if they had a motive to do so.

Take guns.  Some people are publicly in favor of gun control.  Not really a conspiracy, just a political position.  However, since those efforts aren't enough to rile up people much, there is a whole "hidden" agenda that is publicly talked about on certain media and the Internet.  Not much of a secret or even an agenda.

Now take globalization.  Apparently the globalists don't like Americans very much and are dedicated to ruining the lives of hard working people.  They do this by doing their jobs cheaper overseas and the Government has agreed to let this happen because they want us out of work and on drugs when they take our guns.

Guess the people knocking down the door will be aliens, maybe from another planet.

Then they can enslave you and make you work at menial jobs for low pay.

Without all those guns, not much we can do about it.  At least the jobs will come back.

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