Monday, August 14, 2017

This Land Is Our Land

When this song was written it was really addressed to the people of the United States who were in the throes of a depression that might have made them feel like they had no stake in the present or the future.

The country is of the people by the people and for the people.

All the people.

Some might have taken the attitude that their neighbors aren't real Americans.

They are, we all are.

We may have character defects, we may have different views than you, we may look different than you.

We are all Americans.

It doesn't mater where we came from or what religion we practice, or if we don't practice religion at all.

We are all Americans

It doesn't matter where we live, or how much we make or how we dress or wear our hair.

We are all Americans.

There are plenty of issues that may divide us and we may hold views that seem repugnant to you or practice sexual preferences that you don't understand.

We are all Americans.

No one person or group is more American than any other, and it doesn't matter if we say a pledge or salute a flag.

We are all Americans.

Even those of you who listen to hate mongers and fill your hearts with hate for your fellow Americans are part of us.

We are all Americans.

You might say you love the country, you may hate its policies, you may trust the Government you may think they are ruining the country and the world.

We are all Americans.

This land is your land, this land is my land
From the California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest, to the Gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me

Read more: Woody Guthrie - This Land Is Your Land Lyrics | MetroLyrics

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