Saturday, August 19, 2017

Free Cookies

One of the things people say is that Trumps agenda is in trouble.

The first problem with that is that his agenda is about the vaguest thing I've ever seen.

I guess it could be summarized as repeal Obamacare and replace it with something great, cut taxes but spend more on the military and infrastructure, get rid of regulations that hinder business but protect workers and the environment and negotiate better trade deals and stop undocumented immigrants by building a wall on our southern border.

I might be missing something, especially any details as to how any of this is supposed to work.

Now we know the first one is in serious trouble because you can't gut the current law and create something great magically.

Now he may be able to give his buddies a tax break and may even be able to spend money, but its not going to help the deficit, which I left out of the above even though he says he will wipe it out.  He has experience in wiping out his business deficits by declaring bankruptcy so he may be surprised that he can't do that.

The regulations he is gutting protect workers and the environment and address climate change which he doesn't believe in.  Of course saving business some money is supposed to help them prosper and hire more people but of course the hiring part is a supply and demand thing and I very much doubt we are going to see significant reduced prices because of these actions, just more injuries and asthma.

Oddly he thinks mercury in vaccines is bad but releasing it into the air is just fine.

So far he backed out of the pacific deal which opened up a lot of trading opportunities for China.  He is trying to update NAFTA so I'll see how that goes, but from what I've read he threw our a list of demands which no one thinks is close to possible and which might actually be counter productive.  However, lets see what happens.

While there has been a decrease in people apprehended while crossing the southern border, it might have a number of causes, the data is inconclusive.  Under the prior administration there were a fairly large number of people who effectively turned themselves in when they got across because they wanted to pursue refugee status.  I suspect this is way down.  Whether the ones who didn't want to be caught before has decreased significantly is something no one really knows.

Now this agenda is supposed to make America great again.  That was never clearly defined, like someone running for school president who promises free cookies in the cafeteria.  Of course the free cookies don't materialize because the student has to deal with the adults who run the school.

Lesson learned maybe?

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