Sunday, August 20, 2017

Exposure to Sunlight

Some things can only come out when its dark.

I'm not talking about Vampires, but the Vampire myth is likely related to the fact that the dark is a perilous place for humans in the wild.

We are creatures of the day and our evolution has strongly influenced us to prefer the lit to the unlit things in this world.

There is a whole catalogue of things that hide from the sun that we find revulsive.

Turn over a rock and see the various creatures scurry for cover is generally something that we find repulsive, yet we are much more accepting of butterflies and bugs that inhabit the world in the day time.

Now of course our language reflects our love of light and rejection of the dark side.

Generally the nighttime is the place where our worst instincts go on display, where conspirators and haters and racists get together and express their dark thoughts

So when we see the spewers of hate come out during the day it is disturbing.  You think something has made them do this.  Their rock was disturbed.

Of course there have been times in our history, too many, where the hateful people emerged and seized control.  Of course they had to put on a better face for a while, but their dark side always emerged in the end.

Fascists, Nazis, Stalinists etc. were able to disrupt their countries and the world and exact a terrible cost.

You would think that there would be a lesson learned there.  That we would know that haters simply hate and when they try to convince you they are with you, understand its only for now, they don't care about you and are willing to sacrifice you, your children, your wealth and property in pursuit of their hateful ways.

When they walk in public and wave their flags, you would think spotting them would be easy.

I guess not for everyone.

Some must have stared into the sun and can no longer detect the darkness.

Or they are one of them in their heart.

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