Sunday, August 13, 2017

Hate in America

If you are not as successful as you thought you would be, if you feel that you have been held down by the progressive forces in America and that if not for them you would be living the life of Reilly, you are wrong.

You are where you are because you lacked either the ability, ambition or persistence to do better.

except for a few very wealthy people, nothing has ever been handed to anyone in America.

Things have been stolen, exploited or appropriated but even those folks had to work for what they got.

In any group of Americans you want to categorize, a certain percentage succeed and a certain percentage don't.

White people generally have had the easiest road to success.

Not because they have more talent or work ethic, because they had lower hurdles to pass, but they still had to pass them.

Now, I don't know if the statistics actually exist but I suspect that the success for white people has been driven by the immigrants who came here and instilled a desire to succeed in their children.

Their are a lot of people, Bill Clinton used to call them bubba, but you may call them good old boys, who were pretty content with doing so-so in school, drinking beer, shooting guns, having sex and watching football with some good bar b cue.

To live that lifestyle they had to do some work and they expected to get paid pretty well for what they did.  Now they could generally put in a decent days work, when they weren't goofing off, but they did what they were told mostly and had to be watched if you wanted performance.

This way of life is a bit challenged as some of the jobs they used to expect to get went away and what's left  requires a skill set they generally never bothered to acquire.

Now the other groups have their own issues and I don't want to get into stereotypes here but there has been virtually no discrimination against white people in this country, ever.

Now in a few instances, some minority candidates may have been selected instead of an equally qualified white person but that's not discrimination, unless they weren't actually qualified.

Now resenting people who worked hard, got into school, got a decent job and are leading a better life than you are is hate.  Hate isn't going to get you anything, except maybe a prison sentence.  Work harder, get some skills and lead your best life.

Think about it while you drink your next beer.  Your life does matter as does everyone's, but that was never in question, except maybe to you since you wasted it.

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