Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse as Punishment

I just read an article that talks about a Southern Minister who says God told him the eclipse was our punishment for electing President Obama.

Odd concept that God would punish us by effectively dimming the sun for a couple of hours.

Guess its in the same sort of realm as saying no texting for two hours as a punishment.

The texting would probably be worse actually.

Now if you even accept the concept that God would be concerned about who we elect, it seems like he could have punished us a lot faster.

I mean in Sodom and Gomorrah they barely had time to get out of the city and one of them couldn't resist a quick salty look.

Now speaking of that, looking at the eclipse is dangerous so maybe that's the punishment.

Putting some eye black under your eyes to cut down the glare isn't adequate protection.

Now looking at the eclipse isn't actually more dangerous than looking at the sun, but the danger is that as the sun gets blocked, you can look at it.

Even with eclipse glasses you can't look at it very long without risk.

I guess well have to see where most of the newly blind people end up to see who god is really punishing.

Oddly, at least in the East the path of totality mostly passes through states that didn't go for Obama or Hillary in the last few elections.

So what is this punishment about again?

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