Thursday, August 17, 2017

Hate in America

Someone who doesn't think he's a racist made an extremely racist remark in a comment recently and doesn't even realize how racist it was.

His comment was along the lines of how its OK for black people to riot when one of them gets shot but everyone makes a big deal about white people protesting in Charlotte.

He also argued how black people only supported Obama because he was black and Obama spread a black agenda and divided the country.

Now one could point out how wrong all of this is on its face but sadly it wouldn't be listened to.  The equating of seeing unarmed black men getting gunned down because a young white police officer perceived a non-existent threat with a clearly racist demonstration trying to impose outsiders views on an American community is so hate and racist tinged that he isn't going to accept how racist he actually is, it just seems normal to him.

Which is the underlying problem.

I grew up in the same world more or less as this person and was to some extent exposed to the same "truths".

These truths included things about those people and how they were demanding so much so soon and these things take time.

However these were, well lies.

Those people were people, in all respects entitled to all the same rights and privileges that everyone else had.  Demanding those rights is basic human justice, not some favor bestowed upon them, we don't have the right to bestow it and we don't have the right to deny it.

However, these "truths" were instilled in so many white Americans that they are there, and similar to say certain unpracticed religious beliefs can come up in certain circumstances.

The racism is there, just underneath the surface.

Trump has scratched that surface and he is still scratching at it.

The hate is starting to show.

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