Thursday, August 31, 2017

Sanctuary Cities

The idea of cities serving as sanctuaries actually goes back quite a ways.

Town Air makes you free is an old saying related to feudalism.

In feudal times, only people in the cities tended to be free and not serfs, able to live and die without obligation to a lord.

Of course further, the cities tended to be built around Cathedrals or churches which further provided sanctuary to fugitives.

Now in our current system, cities maintain a certain unique place.  They are in the State and the Country but in most cases have very different views politically than their surroundings.

Of course this varies city by city but we do generally see most cities being centers of progressive ideas since they are exposed to a wide range of ideas and situations.

This often puts them a bit our of step with the people who run the State Governments.

Now without going into details of how a lot of the political landscape has been manipulated to favor certain parties, the cities tend to remain much more accepting then the areas around them.

A certain number of cities have effectively said they will not enforce certain immigration laws arbitrarily.  Of course the laws become largely unenforceable without the assistance of local law enforcement so once again the cities are providing a relatively safe area for certain populations in danger of arrest and expulsion.

Power arises from the people and flows up, not the other way around.  Before our revolution there was a king who had a divine right to rule, but we didn't accept that here and threw him out.

Lets keep all those who think power is granted to the people.  The people have the power in the first place and can use it as they see fit.

If they are willing to let other people live in peace and be good neighbors, they can.

Its an American thing.

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