Friday, September 1, 2017


There are a lot of sayings that discus the gullibility of people.

There's a sucker born every moment, a fool and his money are soon parted, etc. etc.

The reason for this is that people are partly gullible and partly greedy.

The promise of something of value for almost nothing tends to be tempting to people, enough for many to stop being skeptical.

Now in many cases its fairly harmless, as when someone asks you for a few dollars to get food, or for carfare because they lost their wallet.

In other cases the scams are much more significant costing people their savings, their homes and their health.

It doesn't matter if the victim is vulnerable or old or sick.  In fact all those things are what helps define them as a victim.

The con men will lie right to your face and look very sincere doing it.  Its something you have to learn and avoid and one of the reasons people in big cities sometimes appear unfriendly, they can't determine if your for real or pulling a con.

Now as sad as this is, we see that politicians engage in this behavior to get elected.

Over the years some of the most outrageous lies started to get exposed by the media, but now we see so much questionable media that the legitimate media can be branded as fake news.

So bringing back manufacturing, bringing back coal, fixing trade agreements, building a wall, improving your health care and reducing your taxes while increasing defense and infrastructure were believed by enough people to matter.

The gullibility index was at an all time high and unfortunately it might be a trend.

Hey, this must all be part of God's plan - just trust those preachers!

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