Monday, September 11, 2017


On the anniversary of 9-11, it might be worthwhile to look at the state of terrorism and where we are in combatting it.

Now the problem with terrorism is simply that it doesn't have to be complicated elaborate plans or groups it can be as few as one individual driving a vehicle into a group of people.

Of course the damage cause by that is generally relatively minor unless of course you are one of the victims.

Preventing all terrorist attacks is not really feasible but we can prevent a lot of them, or at least make our targets hard to hit.

Now the terrorists are not limited to recent arrivers or refugees, but in many cases people who have been in this country and may even be citizens who get radicalized over some incident.

I guess the good news is that people are much more likely to dies in an automobile accident than be the victim of a terrorist.

I think the fact that terrorists actually want to hurt us is the scariest thing, it seems like there is nothing we can do.

However, of course there is.

See something, say something.

Take it seriously and in all honesty it would be better to report some one's forgotten briefcase or dropped purse hundreds of times than to ignore a planted bomb even once.

Now but you do need to see something, not just be suspicious of a person who looks a little different or dresses differently.

We can do what we can but we can't see or report every possible thing, considering that the next car coming down the street could simply veer into a crowd.

However, be alert and don't be afraid.  Fear is what they want and it is giving them a victory they don't deserve.

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