Saturday, September 9, 2017

Fuel on the Fire

Had to drive from Alexandria to Long Island this morning on a crisp clear day in September.

The news on the radio was all about Irma and the expected destruction expected.

It hopefully will take yet another jag to the West and maybe spare Florida some of the worst, but its not looking good right now.

Now a single hurricane season is just weather, but what we do know is that ocean temperatures are rising.

In addition the ice on Greenland and Antarctica is melting so we can expect higher water levels.

Now lets just suppose some of this is due to natural causes, after all the earth has been through a lot of climate changes when people weren't even around.

However, the additional input form us now doesn't help.

We don't have to be the only ones responsible, there is no level of input that is acceptable.

Most of the models actually would argue that we should be in a cooling period but even if they are wrong and the earth is warming naturally, why is it OK to spew garbage into the air?

We make people who own dogs clean up after them but factory owners get a free pass?

We should allow imports from countries that pollute to even the playing field but we need to stop doing it ourselves.

The Bonfire is big enough already, time to stop adding fuel to it.

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