Thursday, September 21, 2017

Are They Evil?

You have to wonder what motivates some people to act in a manner that is designed to hurt large numbers of people.

If you consider a proposal that will undoubtedly actually take health insurance away form low income people and people with pre-existing conditions you wonder whether the proponents possess any type of moral foundation?

I mean they certainly pretend to be moral but it becomes pretty clear that in the pursuit of narrow political gains and a way to reduce taxes on people who actually have money they are perfectly willing to throw our poorest and weakest under the nearest bus.

It violates the basic tenets of Christianity and pretending that what your doing isn't going to do that means you are either a bald faced liar or really ignorant.

The current proposal takes the money we use for this, reduces it and spreads it out among the States based on a formula.

This formula will help States that didn't increase their Medicaid but will hurt States that did.

Now it also allows States to get exemptions from certain things, like group rating pre-existing conditions, which would mean in those states the cost for those people would go up.

I suppose one way to do this and still pretend to have morals is to say well the States were the executioners, we only passed a law that let them do it.

It should also be noted that the States acted based on commitments in the law that promised a certain level of reimbursement.  So breaking a commitment is another aspect of their moral depravity.

It is primarily a desire to deliver on a promise many made about repealing Obamacare so they can claim in the next elections they delivered on that promise.

Who cares how many they hurt?

Now lets be clear, no one will receive better health care if this law passes.  It reduces the funding and that will reduce coverage.  Now they may argue that the wonderful States are going to find great ways to reduce the cost of Health Care leading to actual better care for all.

Sure, watch our for the flying pigs too.

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