Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Well thousands of young people who grew up American are now in danger of being deported in a few months.

Now these are people who came here as children and grew up much like every other child in America.

Now the fate of these people is in the hands of Congress which has trouble doing pretty much anything.

The point is that while these people who grew up here are as American as well anyone else who grew up at the same time, some people feel like they are law breakers who must be punished.

Immigration laws are odd in the fact that they impact foreign nationals who technically we have no jurisdiction over.  Now of course we should be able to control our borders although I don't think a wall is the answer but this situation is about people who have been here most of their lives and whom in many cases have brothers and sisters born after them with full rights of citizenship.

I don't see immigration as the problem some do, since we need immigrants to provide us with the momentum immigrants always provide.

It should be obvious that immigrants, in most cases are preselected as the more daring people.  They are willing to leave a relatively familiar place to embark on a new life with all the risks that entails.

This nation was always fueled by that immigration motivation to move forward and expand.

Now getting rid of the Dreamers is not going to serve any purpose for America, they are actually generally good young people contributing to society.

In fact it is likely they contribute more than their peers since that is generally the case for groups in risky situations.

They have to overcome more and become more invested than the native born video game players.

I'm sure they play their fair share of video games too, but as Dreamers many of them are doing so much more.

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