Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Rampant Election Fraud?

In what must come as a surprise to no one the commission set up to investigate voter fraud is having disagreements among themselves.

Election fraud

Of course the odds are virtually zero that the commission will come out with anything of substance except to go over some of the same old misconceptions.

First, registering to vote is not the same as voting.

Registration rolls undoubtedly are full of people who have died or moved and that's because most states aren't that concerned once you've actually registered.

The simple fact is that people who have died and failed to notify the election commission don't show up to vote.

Now it is theoretically possible for a person to research everyone who has died, figure out where they are registered to vote and possibly have people impersonate the dead person.

The possible problem with that is that in many places the people who sign in voters are pretty familiar with the people who come back year after year and if someone was a regular voter and someone else shows up, there is a reasonable chance it might be uncovered.

Concerning people who have moved away and also failed to notify the old state's election commission, well generally travelling to multiple states to vote is pretty onerous and unlikely.

Plus, unless they vote in both places, not sure its even important.

It does seem that since we do have a system that assigns pretty much every legal citizen with a social security number, we could also have a simple system that used it to verify you only voted once.

Of course it would have to be a secure system, but we should know how to protect the data and associating a social security number with each vote cast would create an audit trail to check against social security death rolls and multiple voting.

Doesn't seem all that complex.

That is if we want to solve the problem and not make voting harder for some.

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