Friday, September 22, 2017

Rocket Man and the Dotard

Well this is pretty much sums up where we are in dealing with the North Korea nuclear program.  Name calling.

It also shows that American literacy isn't what it should be since this led to a surge on Google of people looking up what dotard means.

I admit its not used much, we don't use dotage either, pretty much replaced by senile although the meanings are subtly different.

Definition of dotage for English Language Learners. : the period of old age : the time when a person is old and often less able to remember or do things.

Definition of senile. 1 : of, relating to, exhibiting, or characteristic of old age senile weakness; especially : exhibiting a loss of cognitive abilities (as memory) associated with old age

Its clearly insulting while rocket man isn't necessarily although it is the way Trump uses it.

At least to his way of thinking.

Now no one wants North Korea to have nuclear weapons or at least not publicly.  The real question is as the technology proliferates, can we actually stop someone?

We are imposing additional sanctions which will certainly impact some North Koreans, but not sure if its going to have any impact on Rocket Man.

The latest round is going after those who violate the sanctions by doing business with North Korea and this will likely drive up the cost but will it actually stop it?

I have my doubts.

I guess the point of the sanctions is to get the Rocket Man to stop or to negotiate a stop.

Which brings us to the Iran issue, which is a place where sanctions actually worked, except the Dotard thinks it was a bad deal.

Of course all the countries that were involved don't agree and while I'm sure it didn't give us every thing we could possible want, I gather it was a difficult negotiation.

You think a deal maker would understand that.

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