Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Its Not Over Yet

Irma has dissipated into rain and some wind but the destruction it left behind is going to take a long time to repair.

I turns out it wasn't as devastating as it could have been, which is a good thing, although some stories make it sound like it was a mistake.

Perhaps a few people evacuated unnecessarily but better that than more deaths because people stayed.

It also is really a matter of perspective, having lived in the aftermath of a number of hurricanes where just getting power and gas were major undertakings, dealing with the aftermath is going to be painful for millions.

It should also be noted that the season isn't over yet.

Spinning in the Atlantic as I write this is Jose which apparently is doing a do si do although Irma failed to cooperate.

Hopefully it will continue the turn and head back into the Atlantic as opposed to heading to the coast looking for its partner.

It also very possible that another Hurricane could form although at least right now nothing seems imminent.

Unfortunately, with the rise in ocean temperatures this may be an ongoing phenomena where the natural cycle is enhanced.

We always had some years with bad hurricanes, but the periods between those years may be reduced and when we have them they are likely to be stronger.

There really nothing we can do that is going to change this short term, meaning for most of our remaining lives, but we can start a trend to eventually ease the impact of carbon, and we need to do that.

Meanwhile, it going to be windy and wet.

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