Saturday, September 30, 2017

Does Evrything Have to be Politics?

If you consider things like helping someone after a Hurricane, the idea is simply to provide assistance and get the job done, not talk about what a wonderful job you are doing or who is complementing who.

Get the job done.

Its an idea that seems lacking in this administration where trying to sway public opinion is more important than keeping people alive.

Now I am in no position to judge the administration's efforts but I know that arguing about it isn't the way to help.

Its not just hurricane relief, its pretty much everything where we now are defining everything as winning or losing.

Take the recent health care fiasco's.

The general idea is to insure more Americans, improve coverage offered and reduce cost.

None of those three things are political in nature and the Affordable Care Act helped in all three situations, although it had some flaws.

Now if we had a non partisan discussion of how to improve one or more of those things we might be able to get somewhere.

I read a recent analysis which quoted one of the authors of the latest plan as saying he didn't really know much about health care at all, but thought others did, only to find out they were as ignorant as he was.

Maybe learning about the issues is something that should be a priority, rather than simply echoing some position that you can use for political purposes.

Its sort of amazing how gullible our representatives are.  They get told the plans do something but aren't told that in the "fine" print you can get out of it (pre-existing condition coverage).  I think we should demand real analysis and action and less politics by both sides.

I think we have a situation where all they care about is getting re-elected and just need a "story" to help that happen.

How about a story that happens to be fact based about how you tried to do your best for your constituents and all Americans at the same time?

Maybe they would like that.

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