Saturday, September 23, 2017

Should German's Have Supported Hitler's Final Solution?

You see a lot of people argue that we should help our current President succeed.  That begs the question, succeed in what?

If you are pushing a policy that disrupts and expels people who have lived here for many years when they have done nothing but contribute to this countries success, I can't support that.

If you are pushing a policy that strips health care from our poorest and most needy people I can't support that.

If you are pursuing policies that lead to an increasing danger to our planet by spewing more pollutants into our atmosphere, I can't support that.

If you are going to let commercial entities strip mine our national lands in pursuit of private gain, I can't support that.

If you are going to start discriminating against people with different sexual identities or sexual preferences, I can't support that.

If you are going to increase taxes on most of us to let wealthy people pay less, I can't support that.

If you encourage police to rough up people suspected of committing a crime, I can't support that.

If you are going to equate people who oppose hate with people who practice hate, I can't support that.

If you are going to destabilize the international community by making America's word no longer reliable, I can't support that.

If you are going to continue to lie to the American people about what you are doing for political gain, I can't support that.

Germans who stood up to Hitler's plans are rightfully viewed as heroes.

You encourage Nazi's in this country.

I just can't support that.

Why would I?

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