Friday, September 8, 2017

Bullshit Issues

You have to wonder why so many people seemed to care why a town they probably were never in kept or got rid of a statue to a general who lost a war?

Similarly, why does anyone care if some people don't stand up for the National Anthem?

There are a whole lot of things portrayed in certain media as ruining our way of life.

My way of life involves getting up every day, going about my daily routines and eventually going back to sleep.

It doesn't have much to do with these monuments or the National Anthem or prayer in school or in fact most of these "issues".

Now there are issues out there that don't directly impact me that I do care about.

It has to pretty directly impact someone's actually well being or freedom though.

I'm against drunk driving, or distracted driving.

I don't think the Government should get involved in people's personal lives as long as they don't actually hurt someone else.

I'm in favor of a lot of things that I consider beneficial and oppose a lot of things that I consider harmful.

But I don't care about things that simply mean nothing at all.

Does someone go to church on Sunday or Friday or Saturday?  I don't care if they go at all let alone what day they consider sacred.

How people dress, no real concern although sometimes I wish they had better taste.

What language they speak?  Well if they are dealing with me I want English but otherwise I don't care.

Who do they marry and how they make love?  TMI.

Too many people get stirred up about issues that just are bullshit and if they think about it don't mean anything.

We all need to learn to mind our own business more.

Would be a lot more pleasant out there.

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