Monday, September 18, 2017

Real Corruption in Washington

When politicians or candidates talk about fixing corruption in Washington most of them focus on things like Government malfeasance or people getting benefits they don't deserve.

Now both of those things are issues that are in need of being addressed, but they are, we have oversight and insight panels galore and the issue is that as long as humans are involved they will at times cheat.

However, while because of the scope the amounts seem large, in the scale of Government spending in Washington it really is a minor problem, similar to say shoplifting or petty theft.

Its wrong and should be policed but don't emphasize those type of crimes and ignore murders.

That's pretty much what they do in Washington where most of our politicians up to the top have sold themselves to political lobbies.

Now they mostly are guaranteed lifetime incomes and lucrative jobs when they leave but while in office they get their campaigns funded and a lot of nice perks.

They just have to take care of the right people.

Those people aren't us.

I was reading about a recommendation by the new interior secretary that wants to allow traditional uses on public lands.

Now this includes mining, forestry, fishing, grazing and a lot of other commercial activities that make public land just like private land.

Only a very small number of people would benefit from this and it is probably the most blatant form of the corruption that really is controlling Washington.

Almost everything they consider or pass is pushed by special interests and backed by lobbyist money.

This is the real swamp in Washington and its not getting drained.

The floodgates are open and the water is rushing in.

Maybe on your next trip to a national monument you can admire the strip mine recently opened.

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