Thursday, September 7, 2017

Compressed Time

Hurricane Harvey was described as a once in 500 year event and we have seen a large number of events that supposedly happen infrequently fairly frequently recently.

The records we rely on for these estimates are based on historical measurements, sometimes looking at evidence left by the last such event.

However, 500 years just isn't what it used to be.

Harvey was followed in a couple of weeks by Irma, another rare event.

500 years in two weeks, must be some sort of record.

Katrina was another once in a lifetime event, as was Sandy.

Now, clearly, these events are happening more frequently than they used to since the unusual conditions that used to spawn them have now become the norm.

In fact, it is clear that this is just going to get worse as the temperatures and sea levels continue to rise.

Personally I was fine with seeing maybe on of these events in my lifetime, two would have been overdoing it.

I'm up to 4 or 5, sort of losing count and I don't feel 500 years old, not even a century yet.

What's the rush?

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