Sunday, September 3, 2017

Hurricane Fashion

If you are going to a hurricane area, what you wear is pretty dependent upon what you expect to do.

Now lets be honest that the visit of the president and first lady are simply public relations since there is nothing that can be done there that couldn't be done in Washington, except photo ops and taking the time of certain dignitaries.

There was of course the negative photo comments based upon the fact that the first lady wore heals on the first visit which she corrected on the next one with some new designer kicks.

What she wears has absolutely no impact on the victims suffering from the hurricane and realistically the whole concept of these visits is simply for the public.

I actually think getting briefed and watching news coverage is probably a better way to get updated on the devastation than making everyone focus on security and itineraries by visiting.

However, its something they all do and to make a big deal about visiting or not visiting is simply ridiculous.

What of course is important is what are we doing to mitigate the pain from this hurricane and prevent a future where storms just keep getting worse every year.

We already know that he is not doing anything to mitigate climate change and that's a much more dangerous situation than the immediate one in Texas.

We have made more of an issue over the fashion choices of the first lady than we have over the impending climate disaster.

We all need to get our future hurricane apparel soon.

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