Tuesday, September 5, 2017


The one thing that has been basic to human life since the very beginning is the sense of family.  This isn't unique to humans or even mammals but of course the evolution of all species required the young to survive and the best way to assure that is to afford them protection when they are vulnerable.

Now of course this varies and some don't grow up in a family situation, but for most of us our earliest memories are being safe and protected in a family unit.

Leaving this family unit is something that nature has apparently geared us up to do in our teen age years when we start to reject authority.

Now this family model has been part of our heritage and is governed by strong instinctual impulses.

It may not be as necessary as it once was for our survival but it may be just as essential as ever for our mental well being.

I the modern age we have created a number of problems for families which generally involve a number of factors.

Originally families spent the vast majority of their time together with the basic unit, mother and children almost inseparable while the fathers and older males would at time leave to hunt or other pursuits.

Everyone had to do their share whether at home or away to survive and at least until those teen-age years, the family generally superseded your own needs.

In the modern era we see a redefinition of family which may be better or it may not be.  This isn't related to the sexual preferences of the family heads, more about the impact that the modern world has on the psyche of those growing up in a brave new world, to steal a phrase.

More to come.

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