Friday, September 29, 2017

Hey Everybody, Take a Knee

If someone you didn't know called you up and asked you to stand on a corner handing out a bunch of pamphlets about some random issue you may sort of support the odds are you wouldn't do it, because it would require a certain amount of work.

However on Facebook and Twitter you just have to hit a button or two.

Now there is a lot of evidence coming t that campaigns were organized by various interests including the Russians to both influence the election and sow discord in America.

Take the current silliness over the NFL players.

Racism in our country probably isn't getting worse, just more visible but it is there.

Taking a knee during the playing of a song was designed to call attention to that.

A peaceful and even respectful protest that hurts no one, disrupts nothing and is protected by the constitution.

Now we have a tweet war and people acting like its the worst thing since the attack on the World Trade Center.

What is the problem with everybody?

Well we know that certain parties are fanning the flames including the Russian Stooge in the White House.

Of course the trolls on the Internet are having a field day with it and passions are getting inflamed.

Now this simply isn't a real issue.  No one buried in a National Cemetery cares and from what I can tell most veterans just want to watch a good game.

Real issues, like racism, disaster relief, pollution, jobs, border security and health care are not impacted.

If you don't want to watch football because of this, fine, watch a show about constitutional freedoms.

it wouldn't hurt.

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