Monday, September 25, 2017

Focusing On the Wrong Thing

The protest that is going on in the NFL is a protest about he racism that still exists in this country.

Its not about changing the flag or rewriting the National Anthem.

It got everybody's attention but it hasn't generated a lot of discussion about the underlying problem.

Now you may be wandering through life thinking racism is no longer a problem or even that we now have reverse racism but the facts are clear that racism is still prevalent in this country.

When you consider how many blacks get arrested, are unemployed, live in ghettos, its pretty obvious that something is causing it.

Of course certain white nationalist might argue that they are inferior and are the cause of their troubles  because of that.

Of course if you consider the achievements of black people who climbed out of the Ghetto or live in a country of their own, its clear they can achieve the same levels as any other person.

So for them to be disproportionally oppressed is  clear evidence that it isn't because they lack skills or intelligence.

I do think that there is a future where we can eliminate  racism, but for the current victims of it, we need to do something  more immediate than to wait for a future non-racist generation.

Unfortunately we have elected someone who effectively denies racism exists and encourages racist.

We need a national discussion on racism, not about whether someone should kneel at a sporting event when the National Anthem is played.

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