Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Resentment Factor

The country is divided in a way that is a bit hard to fathom.  On one side you seem to have a lot of bitter people full of resentment because they aren't getting the rewards or lifestyle they think they deserve.

They did what they were told to do mostly, finished high school, maybe served in the military, got a job, got a life got a family and watched sports on TV.  The wives had the babies, did the cooking, cleaned the house and put up with her man while complaining to her friends.

Then it sort of fell apart as economics and technology made the jobs they had obsolete.

They had to take lower paying jobs or Government assistance, the wives had to get jobs, the idea of retirement faded and meanwhile all the people that used to be people they could look down upon, minorities, gays, immigrants, seemed to be doing better than them.

Now these folks were raised in the belief that they were the backbone of America and the foundation for what made our country strong, and now they became an afterthought.

You would read how the country was going to turn "White" people into a minority in the future and it brought images into their heads of their kids joining the underprivileged group they were falling into.

Now meanwhile the TV showed them all the successful people, college educated, young, liberal mostly, of all races and creeds doing well in the big cities on the coasts.

The Government and the courts seemed to push the rise of a new culture and in general no one talked about their plight except that liberal a few documentary makers.

In 2007 what was left of their world seemed to crumble more during the financial crisis and they helped elect one of those minorities, despite their suspicions about his nationality and religion.

But in office, while he reversed the crisis most of the subsequent improvements went to the new technologies and people, not to them.

Their very culture was not so much under attack as ignored by almost everybody.

It might seem odd that they placed their trust in Trump, he really has nothing in common with most of them, except one thing.

He never made it into the Hollywood elite that he aspired to, even the Apprentice only made him a B list celebrity.  Most Business people also had a fairly low opinion of him since what he did didn't involve the type of complex strategies they admired.  He didn't come up with financial strategies, he borrowed money, he didn't develop manufacturing plants, he sold his name.

Hell he went bankrupt running a casino.

He shared the resentment, he had enough resentment to be recognizable by those who also resented what had happened to them.

Even now he feels slighted, by the entertainment industry, by the sports world, by the world community.

He's the president they should be kowtowing to him.

Still a B list celebrity and probably a C list president.

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