Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Working People Health Care

Its amazing how easily the Republican establishment is willing to throw the working class Americans under the bus.

A lot of these people voted for Trump because they have seen their jobs disappear and wages sink.

They need to rely upon two family income and don't have in many cases employer supplied health care.

They have significant health issues ranging from obesity and depression to black lung and other debilitating injuries.

They have been able in many cases to obtain adequate health care under the Affordable Care Act and often the Medicare expansion part.

There are some issues with the ACA but for the people who really need it, it is a god send.

Without it, they wouldn't have any insurance or terribly expensive risk rated insurance.

Now some things people say about the ACA are true but they spin it as a problem when it really isn't.

Take high deductibles.

They reduce the premiums you pay and the idea is that it keeps you from using certain optional health services.

However, the plans cap the total amount you are at risk for and as its designed to do allows people with serious medical conditions get need care without going bankrupt.

So pay a little more each month and reduce the deductible or pay a little less and increase it.

That's a choice each person gets to make under the ACA based on the Bronze Silver or Gold plans.

Now if their was an alternative that promised a low deductible and low premiums that would be great.

However between a high deductible and no coverage at all, I think the choice is pretty clear.

Not to a lot of legislators it seems.

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